
Selling or Leasing

Owner / Landlord Representation

Property Owner Representation

Deciding to sell or lease your property is an important decision and there are many factors that play into the final decision.

Lease Renewals

Landlord & Tenant


If you believe your Tenant is paying below the current market price or if you are a Tenant and need help renegotiating the terms a Lease there may be a way to save money.

Relocation Analysis

Buyer or Tenant Representation

Important Factors

What is the difference between a gross lease, an industrial gross lease, and a net lease?

Property Evaluations

& Assesments

Broker Opinion of Value

When it is important to know what your building is worth, you need the most accurate information possible, especially if you are thinking of selling or leasing a commercial property.

Property Marketing

Marketing Services

Dan Kruse brings what he has learned from the Wharton business school of marketing and applies it to the marketing program to directly benefit you.

Investment Sales

&  Renegotiations

Not all commercial property investments are the same

Consulting Services

Analysis / Exchanges

Some of the services include: 

Lease document analysis

Lease versus purchase analysis