
"Your keen knowledge of market conditions, wide network of contacts, and deep familiarity with rules and regulations of the industry set you apart from your peers in the industry…."

"Thank you for the valuable information you brought to us for our upcoming project."
Rick Neilsen: Founder of Cheap Trick and Inductee in to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

"Thanks for leasing two buildings for me and just last week leasing another after having the listing for only one week. You are always in my corner protecting my best interests and getting the job done right the first time."

"Your knowledge and contacts with the city enabled us to move without hidden costs and code surprises.Thank you for the valuable information you brought to us for our upcoming project."
Barry Williams: Television Actor and "Greg Brady" in "The Brady Bunch"

"As a service company, we recognize high-end service when we see it. Thank you for finding us our warehouse for our Christmas themed displays."

"We feel your professionalism and market knowledge enabled us to make the right decision and get the best deal available."
"Thanks for leasing my industrial building for a HIGH rate and NO free rent!"

"You did a fantastic job in representing us in the sale of our Placentia facility. We can now move forward with beginning construction on our new facility."

"Thank you for representing the city on our sale of property in the downtown / rail area. We are very pleased with the better-than-expected results."
"Sold our building for a higher price than other brokers said we would get"

"We had been trying to sell the building with a well-known national company, but with no where near the activity and success that you brought to our project. Your tremendous negotiating skills saved us an enormous amount of money."

"Our Build-To-Suit facility could not have been completed to such a success without you. Your assistance with the city made the permit process go smoothly."

"Thank you for bringing a Fortune 500 Company to our 70,000 Sq. Ft. facility in Fullerton and your help in leasing our 25,000 Sq. Ft. refrigerator warehouse."

"Thank you for helping us with site locations. We have been very happy with the results and look forward to continuing our efforts."

"Thank you for your efforts, a job well done."

"Your rapid response to our needs made this lease go smoothly and effortlessly."

"Your help with locating and negotiating the lease for our new store has been invaluable. Thank you for your assistance over the years."

"You saved us time and money and found the perfect location for our drop off warehouse."

"Thank you for helping us with site locations. We have been very happy with the results and look forward to continuing our efforts."